Monday, March 7, 2011

"Two Halves Make A Whole"

This painting is acrylics on an 11" x 16" canvas; titled "Two Halves Make A Whole". My sister wanted me to paint something for her and gave me a few things she wanted included in it: a random and wild background, and a broken heart. Since my sister liked the first painting I did ("Dirty Little Secret"), I tried to make the background similar to that one. For this I threw some tunes on and just let colors, brushes, and knives flow over the canvas. The heart is then split in two for the broken heart aspect --with more reasons for this underlying (that are a little too personal to share with the web).

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Best Friends"

This is a free idea painting that I did for my best friend. It's acrylics on a 12" x 12"; simply titled "Best Friends". This painting was a lot of fun to do --since most of the time that I was painting it I was reminiscing about the good (bad, hilarious, ugly, and everything in between) times that the two of us have shared. A few times while painting I would have to shoot her a text to remind her about some of these times too. HAHA! I know I should have been focusing on the painting, but I think sharing these stories with her while I was painting helped this painting evolve into its final form. It's a pretty bright, bubbly, and overall fun painting to look at (in my opinion) and that pretty much sums each of us up; along with the friendship we share. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

photo time

I've decided that it's time to venture into other areas of art... so I'm starting a PHOTOGRAPHY BLOG (you can click the link there and it will take you directly to it; otherwise you can access it underneath my profile over on the left hand side <----). Enjoy! :)